Accessibility Statement for Dallas Daily Times

Last Updated: September 18, 2024

At Dallas Daily Times, we are committed to ensuring digital accessibility for all our users, including those with disabilities. Our goal is to provide an inclusive and seamless experience by adhering to recognized accessibility standards and continuously striving to enhance our offerings.

Our Commitment

We aim to make all aspects of Dallas Daily Times accessible to everyone. This includes our website, digital content, and any related online services. We are dedicated to:

  • Perceivable Content: Ensuring that all non-text content, such as images and videos, have appropriate text alternatives. This allows information to be presented in multiple formats to accommodate different needs.
  • Operable Interfaces: Designing our website and digital tools to be navigable via keyboard and other assistive technologies, ensuring that all users can interact with our content effectively.
  • Understandable Information: Utilizing clear and straightforward language, consistent navigation, and predictable functionality to make our content easy to comprehend and use.
  • Robust Technology: Building our digital platforms with clean, standard-compliant code to ensure compatibility with current and future assistive technologies.

Standards We Follow

Dallas Daily Times strives to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA standards. These guidelines help us create content that is accessible to a wide range of people with disabilities.

Feedback and Support

We value your feedback and are here to assist you with any accessibility-related issues you may encounter. If you experience any barriers or have suggestions on how we can enhance our accessibility, please reach out to us:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: +1 (555) 987-6543
  • Mailing Address:Dallas Daily Times
    789 News Avenue
    Dallas, TX 75001

Alternative Formats

If you require content in an alternative format—such as large print, braille, audio, or any other accessible format—please contact us using the details above. We will make every effort to accommodate your needs promptly.

Third-Party Content

Our website may include content from third-party sources. While we strive to ensure that all content meets accessibility standards, we cannot guarantee the accessibility of third-party materials. We encourage you to contact the respective content providers for assistance with their materials.

Ongoing Efforts

Accessibility is an ongoing process. We regularly review and update our accessibility practices to enhance the user experience for all our users. Our team is dedicated to addressing any accessibility issues promptly and effectively.


Dallas Daily Times is committed to maintaining compliance with all applicable accessibility laws and regulations. We continuously monitor and update our practices to ensure we meet or exceed these requirements.

Last Updated

This Accessibility Statement was last updated on September 18, 2024.